A Study of Wheels 2004-2006
September 25, 2018
Deere & Company’s Early Tractor Development by Theo Brown
October 1, 2018$5.00
Titles for A Study of Wheels:
1. Unstyled Model “B” Tractors
2. Early Styled Model “B” Tractors
3. Late-Styled Models “A” and “B” Tractors
4. Early Styled Model “A” Series Tractors
5. “AO”/“AR”/“AOS” Tractors
6. Model “G” Tractors
7. Model “H” Tractors
8. Numbered Series” Waterloo-Built Two-Cylinder Tractors
- Information-packed, educational, and entertaining model-specific wheel articles; with photos and accuracy unmatched elsewhere!
- Searchable PDF format! What does that mean? You’ll be able to easily locate specific subjects in the article, “zoom-in” on photos (in color and b/w), and print off any part (or the entire article) for your personal use.
- When collectors gather to talk about tractors, one subject that is often a popular topic is that of wheels. The kind and style of wheels that were used, and when they were used on a particular tractor, is often a source of confusion and controversy for both the novice and the more seasoned collector.
These articles are meant to be a guide, not the “last word,” simply because the last word doesn’t exist, and possibly never will. Just as field stones work themselves to the surface each spring, previously unknown information continues to surface on a fairly regular basis.
Aftermarket wheels have not been included. There were a number of aftermarket wheel manufacturers, and there is very little information that exists on them. Richard Sundberg
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