Balance of Basic level will be prorated and applied to upgraded status. VIP card, Research Request order forms, and DVD order vouchers will be sent immediately when the upgraded membership is confirmed. Replacement (duplicate) DVD voucher and Research Request order forms will no longer be sent for misplaced originals. No expiration date on Research Requests or DVD vouchers; however, Research Requests must be redeemed at the same time. With renewal of upgraded membership, new order forms and order vouchers will be sent along with a current-year expiration sticker to be applied to VIP card. Cards without current sticker will not be honored at events. Lost, damaged, or misplaced cards cannot be duplicated and member will be assigned a new VIP card number. *U.S. rates only. Higher charges for foreign and Canada. Call for pricing. For questions, or to upgrade, please call: 1 (888) 782-2582 or 1 (319) 824-606.