Brenda Harrenstein, Production Manager
Time with Two-Cylinder:
30 years
Typesetting magazine, serial number research (including research, typesetting and proofing documents in preparation for shipping) administrative duties, and web updates
Best Part of the Job:
Friendships that have developed over the past 30 years.
Hidden Talent:
Repurposing items by transforming them into useful and creative one-of-a-kind displays. I like to visualize what things can be rather than what they are. It's also fun to utilize items in an entirely different way than what their original design would seem to dictate.
Horses and horsemanship, reading, sewing, cooking, gardening/landscaping, interior design, home remodeling/repair, old cars/trucks.
#1 Item on Bucket List:
Going on extended trail rides throughout the West.
Where do we see Two-Cylinder in the future?
Progressing into a more digital age through video streaming and seeing John Deere Day movies in John Deere dealerships. I would also like to see the camaraderie and enthusiasm rejuvenated to the level as when I first became involved. There needs to be a unified direction to keep the hobby strong.

Elyse Garcia, Member Services
Time with Two-Cylinder:
7 years
Shipping of merchandise, managing digital databases, handling phone and online orders, handling customer inquiries, managing inventory, and daily housekeeping duties.
Best Part of the Job:
Providing quality products for tractor enthusiasts.
Hidden Talent:
I forgot where I buried it…
Reading, animal rescue, gardening, interior design, home remodeling/repair, traveling, history.
#1 Item on Bucket List:
Travel through Europe with my husband.
Where I see Two-Cylinder in the future:
Seeing a younger generation take interest in preserving the history of John Deere, and having a broader knowledge of Two-Cylinder and New Generation models.