May–June 2020
May 19, 2020
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November 3, 2020$4.99
2 | The Emerging Gap |
26 | Commentary |
31 | Perspectives Marion and Taylor — Addendum — The Story of Two 3010s — by Dan Resh Sackett Sez… It Ran When I Parked It — by Lee Sackett Identify That — Part I — by Dan Resh |
Regional Two-Cylinder Ambassador Program |
John Deere 1:16 Scale 4000 Low_Profile Toy Update |
“20” Series Sales Information Book |
John Deere Day Movies on DVD! |
Products • Services • Suppliers |
Classified Ads |
The 42-page advertising booklet A188-37-11, published at the end of the John Deere Centennial year of 1937 (it’s 83 years past that now), featured this image on page 2. The literature went on to proclaim 3 power sizes: “The Model ‘A’ for the Average Farm, the Model ‘B’ for the Smaller Farm, and the NEW Model ‘G’ for the Large Row-Crop Farm.”
Two-Cylinder (ISSN 0899-2258) is the official publication for members of the Two-Cylinder Club®, and is available to anyone interested in the preservation of John Deere Tractors and related products.
The Two-Cylinder Club was chartered in Iowa in 1985 as a nonprofit service, educational, and recreational organization; and extends an invitation of membership to individuals interested in the preservation of John Deere Tractors and Implements and their important role in our agricultural heritage.
Two-Cylinder magazine is published bimonthly by Two-Cylinder, Ltd., 506 2nd Street Avenue, Grundy Center, IA 50638. Periodicals postage paid at Grundy Center, Iowa, and additional mailing offices. Annual (non-refundable) subscription rates, which include membership in the Two-Cylinder Club, are: $40.00 U.S., $56.95* Canada, and $94.95* to all other foreign countries (*U.S. funds). Single issue price: $10. Send all subscriptions and inquiries to P.O. Box
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The information presented in Two-Cylinder is the result of considerable time and effort on the part of many dedicated individuals. However, it is recognized that the potential for error always exists, and this publication is no exception. Therefore, the publisher does not warrant or guarantee the information contained herein to be absolutely accurate, and accordingly, the publisher shall not be liable in regard to the use or reliance placed upon this information.
The images presented in Two-Cylinder are the property of several entities including Deere & Company, the Two- Cylinder Club, and private individuals. Each of the originating entities retains copyright of their photographs, materials, and documents.
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Copyright © 2020
Two-Cylinder Ltd.
Volume 33 • Number 4
All rights reserved.
- Editorial Director
- Jack Cherry
- Publication Manager
- Brenda Harrenstein
- Membership Services
- Gretchen Madden
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- Elyse Garcia
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