John Deere Day DVD #16
November 30, 2018
John Deere Day DVD #18
December 1, 2018John Deere Day (Farming Frontiers) ‘72, ‘73, and ‘74. COLOR. Super-Bonus Length: Three hours, 54 Minutes
Here are all of the original John Deere Day motion pictures able to be located for 1972, 1973, and 1974! Numerous unusual subjects are covered, including environmental problems, crime on the farm, and forward contracting. But most viewers will want this video for its introduction of Generation II at Waterloo, in the exact location where the first three Two-Cylinder Expos were held. The 30 Series Utility Tractors are also introduced, as are Low-Profile Tractors, the 4230 and 4430 Hi-Crops, and the Creeper Transmission. Many other machines and implements are also covered. Sit down with your friends for almost four hours of viewing enjoyment and education!
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